Saturday, October 8, 2011

October 4th 2011

Bonjour, tout la monde!

C'était un autre semaine ici dans Cameroon, et il était beau! N'il y avait pas beacoup des choses pour moi écrire maintenant, mais je peux écrire un peu.
So life is still going on in Yaoundé. There have been a couple disappointments this week, but some really cool things too.

First of all, Temple in the DRC!!! I know I won't be going to Kinshasa during my mission, but I do want to come back for the dedication. Did you know my mission is the highest baptizing (because of the DRC, although the Saturday before I came in we had a baptism of 19 people on one Saturday in Yaoundé)? There are 6 stakes in Kinshasa alone, and the work is exploding there.

So I had a "Best Two Years" moment this week. I was with a meeting with Bennett (a member who gives sweet referrals) and my companion and I, along with another woman. He got a piece of bark and was talking about this food I've never eaten and how to prepare it from this bark. I wasn't paying much attention, until he handed it to me and said something along the lines of "mange mange mange, mange mange mange." I turned to Elder Tingey and asked him if I should eat it. He just said "Well, are you?" I moved it towards my mouth when Benjamin yelled "NO!!" and
snatched it out of my hands. Everybody sat there and laughed. I felt pretty stupid, but I must admit, it was pretty funny..

We have been teaching a doctor named Frère Brent, and he is awesome. A little while ago we taught him and his wife the message of the Restoration, and watched the 20 minute video of the Restoration. Afterwards, I invited the two of them to be baptized. I was really, really nervous, but I asked, and they said yes! Frère Brent explained that he has been searching for the real church ever since he was 13, just like Joseph Smith, and then testified that it was true! It's always awesome to have your investigators testify to you.

Frère Brent is also a specialist (cardiology), and asked me to explain the Word of Wisdom to his wife. Turns out, that is exactly what he tells his patients. He explained that there is no way for Joseph Smith to have known all that about health in the 1830's. He then testified about how the Word of Wisdom is true revelation. Also awesome.

We have a lot of trouble with old traditions. We have a guy who refuses to be baptized right now (although he is totally prepared) because he does not want the blessings of baptism to enter his house he is currently living in. He explained that this house he is in right now is terrible, and he is building a new house. He will not let the blessings of his baptism be left in his old house! In fact, when he gets baptized, he wants us to carry him to his new house so the blessings of baptism can enter his new house.

This one of many, many examples of how people refuse to give up their old traditions even though they know that what we are teaching is true. There are many pastors whom we teach who learn of the truth of our church, and then don't get baptized because they will lose their job as a pastor. Others refuse because they "have been born catholic and they'll die catholic, darn it!" Still others say they've been baptized before (of course not by proper authority or properly, in some cases) and other others just can't accept the fact that the branch president/relief society president/other member belongs to their anciently rival tribe. Probably the biggest thing we have to face is old traditions.

Last Wednesday, we contacted a guy named Russ. Russ when we met him, was sitting on a bench with a beer in his hand. We walked over and talked to him, and he explained how life was really difficult for him. He explained how his whole family has been drinking, and he got caught in the same addiction. We told him about the word of wisdom, how all addictions can be overcome through the gospel, and about how his family can be together forever. He put down the beer and we will see him this week.

I also learned that it's a dang good thing I don't have trouble with stealing. Due to corruption, many laws that are written are not enforced (is it still a law if it's not enforced? See Alma 42?? It's somewhere in that whole talk to Corianton). And so, the people need to enforce the laws themselves.

I want to be honest: These people are wonderful, peaceful people. However, due to their impoverished state, they have gone to extremes to prevent theft. In fact, any who are caught stealing are beaten by everyone around and then burned alive. It's called a "Human Torch." If you get caught stealing, everyone will crowd around you and beat you up (often killing you) and if you are still alive afterwards they put you in a bunch of tires and light you on fire. It's more common in Congo with theives, because they are worse off then Cameroonians.

The only reason I know is because we have been told not to even look at large crowds of people. Elder and Sister Nuttal in Douala saw it happen while they were driving around. So a couple morals from this story: 1) Don't steal stuff, especially in Central Africa and 2) don't look at large crowds of people, especially in Central Africa.

Other than that, there is no danger here. I just have to make sure I keep my hands off of other people's stuff. Thankfully, if someone steals from me, no one will lift a finger (and I do mean thankfully!) because whites have the reputation to have lots of money here. So stealing from one of them isn't so bad.

To end on a happy note, Elder Tingey and I duked it out with a pastor last week. We were teaching Francie about prayer, and had her read Moroni's promise at the end. Just before she did, her old pastor at her old church walked in the door and sat down. We invited him to read it (his name was Frère Ernie).

So Frère Ernie read it and said "This is the most complex thing I have ever read. It's not in the Bible." Elder Tingey said "Really? It doesn't get much simpler. Pray with a sincere heart, real intent with faith in Christ; sounds easy to me." Frère Ernie then pulled out his bible and used a scripture that had no relevance. I piped up finally and said "Frère Ernie, you have read the Bible. N'est-ce pas?" He said yes. "And you prayed to know it's true?" He said yes again. "And you know by the Holy Ghost, that it's all true?" Frère Ernie, of course, said yes. "Well, it's the same for me with the Book of Mormon." And then I testified. It got him to stay quiet. The whole time Francie just sat there and giggled.

So life is going great. I look forward to all your emails!

Je vous aime.

- Elder LaFleur


  1. This is actually a combination of two emails. Andre sent us two with nearly identical stuff, but some things different in each one. I'm not sure why the font goes small then large in places. Enjoy!

  2. Hi! Congratulatins on Andre's mission call to Africa. Just discovered the blog. It' s exciting to see so much growth in that area of the world. Best wishes, Holly
