Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Moar from Cameroun Feb 20, 2012

Bonsoir (encore) tout le monde!

Donc, j'ai commencé à étudier seulement en français. Je lis mes écritures en français maintenant pour mes études personel, avec "Prêchez Mon Evangile." C'est interessant d'apprendre une autre langue et finalement le comprend. Je n'ai pas maîtrisé la langue, mais je m'ameliore toujours.

This week has been fairly interesting. We are seeing some progress now in the work we've been doing. We have an investigator who is progressing really well. Her name is Penelope, and she has a baptismal date all set up. She comes to church every week and loves the Book of Mormon. It's funny how some investigators end up contacting you rather than the other way around. Penelope showed up at church one day and asked "Hey, you two are the missionarries? And you have the communion (sacrement) here every week, and it's available? Why don't we talk sometime this week so you can tell me about it?" There are people out and about who are just so prepared to receive the gospel. It's a great experience finding and teaching them.

We have another named Sarah who does not yet have a baptismal date set, but she will soon. Sarah is the neice of another member. Sarah is actually straight out of the village. When we first met her (Elder Tingey and I) she didn't understand english or french. She only understood patua (her dialect; there are like 200 different patuas in Cameroun alone. In Congo-Brazzaville there is only one: Lingala) and so we didn't teach her. Now she understands english super well, and she is learning the gospel very well.

As far as studies go, what I've been thinking about most this week is this: what knowledtge is the most valuable to know, and why? The "why" is really what I'm aimed at understanding. Ultimately, I figured that the most valuable knowledge is that that is most applicable to the greatest number of situations. After being out here for about 7 months, I've discovered that it is the gospel that is most applicable to the greatest number of situations. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, that is faith in Our Lord and in His Atonement, repentance, baptism by immersion for the remmission of sins followed by the Gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end, is the only way to ensure salvation in the next life and peace and joy in the life we have here. A teacher in sunday school the other day gave this really awesome lesson about the difference between happiness and joy. We ultimately came to the conclusion that joy comes from following the Gospel, of which perfects you (see Moroni 10). That is joy comes from a perfection of oneself, while happiness comes and goes according to your circumstances. Very interesting.

Turns out we have 10 more missionarries entering the field soon. Right now we have 11 who are leaving in the next two transfers (including this one) and then there will be 10 more coming in. There is a pretty good chance that I will be training. We will see how all that goes.

And that's it for this week. Je vous aime.

Elder LaFleur

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