Monday, December 26, 2011

NOt much time but... December 19, 2011

I wanted to send a couple pictures. So this is Elder Tingey and I with our new machetes. We went au champs this week (worked on someone's farm) and so we decided that in order to be prepared to do it again, we needed machetes. I took a couple of pictures like this. Just remember that the "field is white already to harvest."

1 comment:

  1. FYI - by saying "au champs", Andre means in the country.

    My Nigerian friend and co-worker Mike tells me they call these 'cutlass' not machete. Andre wanted dearly to find a machete while in Africa upon hearing about other missionaries in South America who used them to get through the jungle to teach the gospel to others far from the city. Now he has one.

    Lastly, for my non-Mormon readers: The reference to the "field is white already to harvest" comes from Latter-day scripture where in the Doctrine and Covenants section 4 where the world is described as a field that has been prepared by God to receive His words. Its largely considered a missionary scripture and is usually memorized by the missionaries.

    Here's a link to the actually scripture I'm referring to on
