Monday, December 26, 2011

Pictures, andd..... December 5, 2011

Here is a picture of our zone at thanksgiving with all our food, and here is a nigerian song that is super popular here. Elder Tingey was able to get a copy of the CD and I ripped it to my flash drive. Don't worry - I'm not listening to it. I really wanted to know what kind of music is popular here, and well, here it is.

One more experience while everything is loading. I bumped into a musician the other day, and he and I talked a little bit. He was a guitar player, didn't know how to read music, but man could he play. The style of music here fills two genres: religous and pop, and this guy mixed the two. He played this song for us where one of the lyrics was "Shake your body for Jesus." To be honest, it felt really sacriligious, but he could really play guitar.

That's something that's interesting here in cameroon. Everyone believes in God, everyone is chrisitian, and everyone loves to talk about it. That's one of the more difficult parts of serving here - you get people who just want to talk, not committ to a specific church.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy.


  1. Well, I managed to post the photo, but I'm struggling to post the music. Perhaps if my buddy Matt seeing this, he'll contact me and walk me through it. If anyone can figure out how to do it, it will be Matt! enjoy and more to come...

  2. Hello Kendrick! I just got caught up reading Andre's amazing mission stories right here in Africa's upstairs neighbor, Spain! For posting mp3's on my blogsite (which I haven't updated in a long time) I prefer to use google reader's mp3 player because it's very lightweight and no ads. Here is a website that explains it.

    I can send you a private message to explain better

  3. You are the best Matt! I knew you'd know. I'll give it a try and if I get stuck, I'll ask for further help. :)
